Jason Laumeister

Jason Laumeister

Software Engineering and Technology Tamed

Credits for technologies used in the construction of this website.

This website is constructed using Github Pages and Jekyll. Read the Jekyll docs for more details on how it works.

Thank you Sergio Koppln for creating the indigo Jekyll theme that is used as a base for this site.

Inexpensive and adequate domain name registration can be had at namesilo.com.

Github pages are accessed over HTTP, but Cloudflare provides SSL support. Read “Secure and fast GitHub Pages with CloudFlare”.

Google Hosted Libraries are an excellent way to include common javascript libraries hosted on the Google CDN services. These are widely used, so it’s likely that these are already in the browser cache of your target audience too.

Read more about JSON resume schema format at jsonresume.org

Maps provided by Google Maps

Jason Laumeister

Jason Laumeister

Software Engineering and Technology Tamed.

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